Friday, March 25, 2005


While Tinderbox is a one-of-a-kind-tool I think it can be discussed if it is underpriced as some people believe. As a mac user I am hesitant to use an expensive tool that isn't Cocoa. Sometimes there aren't any alternatives, but that is not the case in the thriving outliner market.

Why is Cocoa so important? In three words: look and feel! I'm suprised that a company that is aware of the importance of texture and sensuality for writing and creativity makes no attempt to use Cocoa in their software. If you sell Moleskines and handmade italian leather journals why not use the corresponding electronic user interface?

Also the reluctance to port Tinderbox to Cocoa makes me wonder about the future development af the mac version of Tinderbox in view of the planned Windows version. I get the feeling that my $165 (not to mention the yearly $70 for updates) will be used to develop a windows version which will further reduce the likelyhood of a Cocoa version.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you don't use Microsoft Office or Photoshop ?
It should be Cocoa but is this really an excuse not to use it.

10:10 am, March 28, 2005  
Blogger Rickard said...

No, I don't really use MS Office or Photoshop. (For the record, I do own an Office licence but I only use it when someone shows their lack of judgement by sending me a Word document.:-)

But as I said in my post: sometimes you don't have a choice, then I have no problem using non-Cocoa apps to get the job done.

My post was motivated by the irony of a company that sells florentine journals and Moleskine notebooks but uses the equivalent of poor quality pulp paper for their own products.

I'm not trying to bash Tinderbox here, I think it is a great piece of software but it is about twice as expensive as its main competitors and while I'm willing to pay a premium for leather-bound journals I'm not so keen on paying a premium for pulp paper.

5:27 pm, March 28, 2005  

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